Ng Tube Management. Ng tubes can be used as both a diagnostic and treatment tool. 1 confirm physician s order for ng tube type of suction and direction for irrigation. Patients and their caregivers are important team players in the effective management of nasogastric tube feeding. Aspirate ngt tube with a 50ml enfit syringe connected directly to the tube to remove as much liquid as possible from within the tube lumen proximal to the occlusion.
With an ng tube you can monitor your patient s condition administer medications and provide nutrients. Management of nasogastric tubes. Ensures correct implementation of physician s order. Oral and nasal care. A standard management protocol is free drainage into bile bag with 4 hourly aspirations. Steps in monitoring a nasogastric tube.
Check amount color consistency and odor.
If you can t eat or swallow you may need to have a nasogastric tube inserted. A standard management protocol is free drainage into bile bag with 4 hourly aspirations. Flushing before and after use. Verifying placement before use. Ng tubes can be used as both a diagnostic and treatment tool. The ng tube should not be flushed or lubricated with water prior to insertion as this may give a falsely low ph reading indicating correct placement when the tube is in fact incorrectly placed.