Normal Heart Rhythm Strip. 1 the rhythm is regular with pp and rr intervals constant. Interpreting ekg rhythm strips step 4 pr interval. Arrhythmia is an abnormally slow or fast heart rate or an irregular cardiac rhythm. Normal interval is 0 12 0 20 seconds 3 5 small squares measuring pr interval.
Arrhythmia is an abnormally slow or fast heart rate or an irregular cardiac rhythm. The junction focus has a rate of 40 to 60 beats per minute. 70 normal sinus rhythm. 71 sinus rhythm with 1st degree av block pr 26 seconds 72 atrila fibrillation with a few flutter beats 73 juntional rhythm p waves occur after the qrs with hr 50 74 2nd degree av block mobitz i wenchebach pr gets longer longer then dropped qrs. Study of a patient s cardiac rhythms using an ekg may indicate normal or abnormal conditions. Interpreting ekg rhythm strips step 4 pr interval.
Normal interval is 0 12 0 20 seconds 3 5 small squares measuring pr interval.
Cardiac rhythm tutorials practice strips and quiz for medical professionals. 71 sinus rhythm with 1st degree av block pr 26 seconds 72 atrila fibrillation with a few flutter beats 73 juntional rhythm p waves occur after the qrs with hr 50 74 2nd degree av block mobitz i wenchebach pr gets longer longer then dropped qrs. Abnormal rhythms are called arrhythmia or sometimes dysrhythmia. Measures the time interval from the onset of atrial contraction to onset of ventricular contraction measured from onset of p wave to the onset of the qrs complex. Interpreting ekg rhythm strips step 4 pr interval. 2 the atrial rate is normal but the ventrical response rate varies in this way.