Nurse Anesthetist Education Years. It takes a minimum of 7 8 5 calendar years of education and experience to prepare a crna. Depending on the school a nurse anesthetist program is two to three years long. The nurse anesthetist also referred to as a certified registered nurse anesthetist crna is a sought after and rewarding occupation in the field of advanced practice registered nurse. Becoming a nurse anesthetist will take many years of educational and clinical training including a graduate degree in nursing.
More than 2 400 student registered nurse anesthetists graduate each year and go on to pass the national certification examination to become crnas. However if you are 1 not yet a nurse or 2 a registered nurse with an associate s degree we offer bsn programs to help you take a big step to becoming a nurse anesthetist. It takes a minimum of 7 8 5 calendar years of education and experience to prepare a crna. On average a nurse anesthetist program can last between 24 and 36 months not including the 4 years of bsn training and at least one year of work experience prior. After you complete your crna program you must then pass the national certification examination. Depending on the school a nurse anesthetist program is two to three years long.
However crnas enjoy a prestigious role and are one of the top earning nursing specialties.
The nurse anesthetist also referred to as a certified registered nurse anesthetist crna is a sought after and rewarding occupation in the field of advanced practice registered nurse. On average a nurse anesthetist program can last between 24 and 36 months not including the 4 years of bsn training and at least one year of work experience prior. The nurse anesthetist also referred to as a certified registered nurse anesthetist crna is a sought after and rewarding occupation in the field of advanced practice registered nurse. However crnas enjoy a prestigious role and are one of the top earning nursing specialties. It takes a minimum of 7 8 5 calendar years of education and experience to prepare a crna. Including an average of 2 6 years of critical care experience this amounts to an estimated 11 years to achieve certification.