Palpation Of Abdomen. This defect or sulcus produced a rent in the supraspinatus tendon which was palpable through the deltoid wolf agrawal 2001. Codman 1934 described palpation of full thickness tears of the supraspinatus. The abdominal examination is conventionally split into four different stages. First inspection of the patient and the visible characteristics of their abdomen.
Superficial palpation stand on the right side of the patient and use the flat of your right hand with fingers together firm but capable of molding to the contours of the abdominal wall. Auscultation listening of the abdomen with a stethoscope. Codman 1934 described palpation of full thickness tears of the supraspinatus. Palpation of the patient s abdomen. This transdeltoid palpation has become known as the rent test. Start with gentle light superficial palpation proceed to deeper palpation of all regions and then examine specific organs using bimanual techniques as appropriate.
Superficial palpation stand on the right side of the patient and use the flat of your right hand with fingers together firm but capable of molding to the contours of the abdominal wall.
Palpation of the patient s abdomen. First inspection of the patient and the visible characteristics of their abdomen. The abdominal examination is conventionally split into four different stages. This transdeltoid palpation has become known as the rent test. This defect or sulcus produced a rent in the supraspinatus tendon which was palpable through the deltoid wolf agrawal 2001. Superficial palpation stand on the right side of the patient and use the flat of your right hand with fingers together firm but capable of molding to the contours of the abdominal wall.