Undoing Defense Mechanism. Ritual and undoing as a defense mechanism is the process of trying to undo negative self concept ratings of yourself by performing rituals or behaviors designed to offset the behaviors that the negative evaluations of you were based on. For example a millionaire might give to charities for the poor to make up for profiting from the poor. Most commonly seen in the rituals accompanying obsessive compulsive disorder. Magical undoing is a combination of two defense mechanisms namely magical thinking and undoing.
For example after thinking about being violent with someone one would then be overly nice or accommodating to them. Undoing un doo ing a defense mechanism aimed at negating or atoning for some disapproved act or impulse by performing an action that is somehow opposite to that feared. Magical undoing is a combination of two defense mechanisms namely magical thinking and undoing. Undoing is a defense mechanism in which a person tries to cancel out or remove an unhealthy destructive or otherwise threatening thought or action by engaging in contrary behavior. Magical thinking thus it is essentially impossible that you will stop growing in your height if a sibling jumps over your feet. Ritual and undoing as a defense mechanism is the process of trying to undo negative self concept ratings of yourself by performing rituals or behaviors designed to offset the behaviors that the negative evaluations of you were based on.
Most commonly seen in the rituals accompanying obsessive compulsive disorder.
Undoing as a defense mechanism is accomplished by doing things that have the opposite meaning of the distressing impulses that the individual wants to be psychologically defended against. Undoing is a defense mechanism in which a person tries to undo an unhealthy destructive or otherwise threatening thought or action by engaging in contrary behavior. For example after thinking about being violent with someone one would then be overly nice or accommodating to them. Undoing un doo ing a defense mechanism aimed at negating or atoning for some disapproved act or impulse by performing an action that is somehow opposite to that feared. For example a millionaire might give to charities for the poor to make up for profiting from the poor. Most commonly seen in the rituals accompanying obsessive compulsive disorder.